Lady Farmer Winter Playlist

Happy Winter Solstice!

We made another playlist on Spotify for my ladies who love a little seasonal soundtrack. There’s just a *hint* of Holiday Cheer, but not too much since I hope these songs last you all winter long.

When I finished making it, I realized it was really more of an ode to endings and beginnings. Some of the songs are pretty sad. A lot of them are really happy. I hope you find yourself looking out the window to a barren landscape and letting the words and melodies speak comfort and joy. Or even melancholy, which I thank winter every year for making space for that feeling.

So with that, we wish a Happy Winter Solstice to all, and please enjoy this gift from us ... here’s to an old year, the new year, the cozily cold, long short days, found time, and lost time. We hope these tunes help get you through.