Reduce Kitchen Clutter with 5 Homemade Natural Cleaning Products

Kitchen sink cabinets can be scary. You know what I’m talking about, the mess of half empty bottles clattering around– soap, cleaners, scrubs, disinfectants, detergents–all containing numerous unidentifiable ingredients that are conjured and combined in a lab somewhere and bottled up for our convenience. Although the products themselves are consumable in a short period of time, most of their packaging is permanent and indestructible, leaving their legacy of plastic and cellophane for literally thousands of years.


It doesn’t have to be that way.

Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Many of those products with limited uses, wasteful packaging and harmful ingredients can be easily switched with these items, used alone or in combination for dozens of product replacements and a multitude of purposes.

5 (Natural) Common Household Ingredients That Double as Homemade Cleaners

    1. Vinegar
    2. Baking soda
    3. Lemons
    4. Citric Acid
    5. Essential oils

5 Product Replacement Ideas


1. Homemade surface cleaner

Half vinegar/ half water in a spray bottle. For a fresh fragrance, keep a quart jar ⅔ full of vinegar and add leftover lemon peels when you have them. Refill you spray bottle from the jar as needed.

2. Natural disinfectant

Use a few drops of essential lemon or lime oil around the sink faucet, under the backsplash and other areas where water tends to collect.


3. Homemade pot and pan scrub

Baking soda mixed with water or vinegar to make a light abrasive paste.


4. Natural homemade rinse-aid

½ cup of vinegar added to your dishwasher load (don’t put it in the little compartment, it might corrode the parts) will get rid of those water spots! For extra clean and sparkle, add ¼ cup of citric acid as well.


5. Garbage Disposal/Drain Freshener

Half a lemon peel cut into half again and tossed into your garbage disposal will freshen your drain naturally!


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