Slow Living Through the Seasons | January

Slow Living Through The Seasons | 06 | January: Old Christmas in Appalachia

Have you heard of "Old Christmas?" In this episode, Mary reflects on her Appalachian roots by explaining the origins and traditions of "Old Christmas," a vestige of the the Old World that came to the mountains with the Scots and Irish settlers in centuries past. Also, what does the Planting By the Signs offer us when it's too cold for gardening? Tune in to find out what the moon calendar offers us in January. And in the seasonal kitchen, don't miss the guide to 7 days of delicious, savory "real food" winter meals, with shopping lists and meal food prep included!

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyPodchaserPodtail, Youtube, or on your favorite podcast platform.

7 Days of Savory and Delicious Real Food Winter Meals

Planting By The Signs January Blog

Episode Resources:

• Raising With the Moon: The Complete Guide to Gardening—and Living—by the Signs of the Moon by Taylor Reese and Jack Pyle

Phil Case from the Facebook Group Planting By the Signs

• Some of the linked articles will only be available to current members of The ALMANAC. If you are not currently a member and are interested in subscribing, check out this page for more information.

Support this podcast and get your own downloadable planting by the moon calendar by becoming a member of The Good Dirt Supporters!

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Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production.

🌿 The Good Dirt Producers:

• Wendy Gray